Saturday, May 23, 2009

Yo-Yo- Jacket

I thought I would share the progress of the hand knit jacket I am working on. Here is the back yoke, both sleeves, and the Left front yoke on the needles. I still have a long way to go. The lower body is the largest part, but I can see progress so far. and I enjoy working with this yarn.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Machine Knit Summer top

Here is a picture of my latest machine knit summer top. The yarn is Silk City Fibers stretch cotton and the color is Wisteria. It fits very well and I really like it.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Boye Needlemaster Knitting Needle set vs. Denise Interchangeable Knitting Needle set

I have had the Boye needles for some time now, but recently bought the Denise set. Here are the differences that I have found. There are good points to each set.

Boye Needlemaster
Metal needles -Smoother so yarn slides better

Sharper points -Just my preference, I like the sharp points

Screw-on needles - have come undone during knitting and I damaged one needle due to over tightening

Denise Interchangeable
Cords much more flexible-more comfortable

Joins are much smoother - yarn slides much more smoothly over joins

More expensive - About $20 more per set

Twist-lock on needles to cords -may be more secure; no problems yet

Monday, April 20, 2009

Confusion sets in

Cold turkey for three days no knitting. I have been reading some of my books that I have received for reviews. My poor arthritic hands needed a rest and so did my brain :). I also didn't want to travel with my BIG ball of Sirdar yo-yo yarn and take the chance of getting it dirty. If you have never seen this yarn the balls are huge. Anyway, I will hand knit tonight and I am working on the second sleeve of the jacket. I have also started on a cap sleeve top machine knit.

New Blog

I have decided to place all of my book reviews on a seperate blog. You can find it here:

Of course, it is named Bookvisions :) and I will place a link at the top of this blog. I have just finished a very good mystery and will post my review soon.

I have also moved some of my reviews for knitting books that was on to the new book blog. I will add more as I have time.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Book Review

Christianity In Crisis 21st Century
by Hank Hanegraaff

From the back cover: "Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth." The Apostle Paul

In this updated edition of Christianity in Crisis, Hank Hanegraaff exposes those preachers who twist and misquote the Scriptures to fit their messages of a prosperity gospel. The author quotes some of the current, well-known “Name it and Claim it” preachers, such as Joel Olsteen, Mike Dooley, Joe Vitale and Joyce Meyer, then compares their statements with the Word of God.

One of the most shocking examples in the book is about the author and contributors of “The Secret” made popular by Oprah, which teaches that thoughts create our circumstances. When one of its contributors appeared on the Larry King show, King asked whether Jessica Lundsford, the child brutally abused and murdered, attracted this horror to herself. Joe Vitale responded, “We are attracting everything to ourselves and there is no exception”.

The author cuts away at the false doctrines with expert precision. Example after example shows the error of men and women claiming to be speaking the word of God, but in reality speaking from the pits of Hell.

The book is extensively footnoted and includes a scripture index, subject index, and a bibliography. I highly recommend this book for anyone who seeks truth. It could easily be used for a personal Bible study or small groups study.


Ok, so it's only a sleeve done, but it is the startof my Jacket in Sirdar Yo-Yo yarn from their brochure 8927. I have started the second sleeve. Yes the color goes from dark to light. Yo-Yo comes in HUGE balls and one sleeve you pull from the center and the other from outside so they match. Cool.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Book Review

As promised, here is my first book review on this blog:
The Hole in our Gospel, by Richard Stearns:
Richard Stearns, a wealthy CEO earning a seven-figure salary, received a call from God he did not want to receive. He was asked to head the charitable organization World Vision, but he would have to give up his salary, large home, and upscale car, move to another area, and accept a six-figure salary.
Mr. Stearns envisions a world where Christians band together and donate enough money to end poverty and injustice in the world. He believes that scripture indicates that salvation depends on not only Christ’s death on the cross, but also good works to the impoverished, and without both we have a “Hole in Our Gospel”.
The book clearly describes the problems around the world with poverty, aids, and injustice, but does not explain in enough detail how money alone can cure all of the ills of the world. While we may not agree with his views on the Gospel, we cannot deny that most American churches do not support the poor and sick in their own neighborhood, or around the world. Missions and missionaries are often underfunded and medical missions lack supplies. While I disagree with many of his opinions, I was challenged by his call for action.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Here is my version of:

The middle panel is hand knit and the sides are machine knit. I will probably finish by hand.

Finally, I have the pattern and the yarn and I am going to hand knit this jacket.

Mine will be in "Fudge" color and I am excited to get started on it. A Ravelry friend gave me a shawl pin that I will use on the front.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Stay Tuned

I will be doing some book reviews and adding them to this site. My next will be this book:
The Hole in Our GospelWhat Does God Expect of Us? The Answer That Changed My Life and Might Just Change the WorldBy Richard Stearns

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Here is my current project. This is the front. Hand knit panel and machine knit sides. It hasn't been blocked yet and I am working on the back now.

Monday, February 9, 2009

This picture caught my eye. It is me taking a picture of my new car.